
Scientific Visits


Prof.Dr. Mikhail Pavlinski (Russia, Kazan Federal University – IKI, Joint Scientific and Technical Committee – JSTC)

Prof.Dr. Rodion Burenin (Russia, IKI, JSTC)

Dr. Rustem Gumerov (Russia, KFU, JSTC and technical works of RTT150)

Doç.Dr. Almaz Galeev (Russia, Kazan Federal University – KFY, on GAIA alerts and Delta Scuti Stars under TUBITAK Sabbatical Project for one year)

Jean-Luc Dauvergne (France, Journalist, on interview)

Prof.Dr. Frederic Clette (Belgium, Royal Observatory, on installation of solar telescopes station of TUG)

Prof.Dr. Raul Michel Murillo (Mexican, Observatorio Astronomica Nacional-UNAM, on the San Pedro Martir Observatory and its Galactic Cluster Survey)


Dr. Peter Skoda (Czech Republic, Stellar Physics Department of Astronomical Institute of Academy of Sciences, on TUG Data Archive Structure and Virtual Observatory)

Prof.Dr. Shuanggen Jin (China, Shanghai Astronomical Observatory Department of Space and Planetary Research, on Ionopsheric Seismology: GNSS Observation Results and Challenges)

Doç.Dr. Diaa Gadelmavla (Türkiye, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering Faculty of Engineering Izmir University of Economics, on stellar Chromospheric Heating & Osscilations and the Basis of GSM-R Networks and their Applications and the Radar Interferometry and its Applications to Predict the Occurrence of Big Earthquakes)



Dr. Peter Skoda (Czech Republic, Stellar Physics Department of Astronomical Institute of Academy of Sciences, on Astronomical Spectroscopy in  Virtual Observatory, Astroinformatics and Big Data)

Vasily A. Lipilin (Russia, Moscow Space Research Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences – IKI, on repair of RTT150 400Hz and other technical works)

Prof.Dr. Mikhail Pavlinski (Russia, IKI, JSTC)

Prof.Dr. Nail Sakhibullin (Russia, KFU, JSTC)

Prof.Dr. Rodion Burenin (Russia, IKI, JSTC)

Prof.Dr. Ilfan Bikmaev (Russia, KFU, JSTC)

Semena Andrey (Russia, IKI)

Dr. Azamat Valeev (Russia, Special Astrophysical Observatory – SAO, on Luminous Blue Variables and Supernova Impostors)



Dr. Claude Jamar (Belgium, Advanced Mechanical and Optical Systems (AMOS), on telescopes)

Dr. Mirel Birlan (France, Paris Observatory)

Dr. Jang-Hyun Park (Korea, Astronomy and Space Science Institute, in OWL project scope)

Dr. Hong-Kyu Moon (Korea, Astronomy and Space Science Institute, in OWL project scope)

Dr. Rustem Gumerov (Russia, KFU)

Dr. Mike Buntov (Russia, IKI, on repair of RTT150 TFOSC’s autoguider and other technical works)

Vasily A. Lipilin (Russia, IKI, on repair of RTT150 TFOSC’s autoguider and other technical works)

Dr. Faik Musaev (Russia, SAO, on spectrograph)

Prof.Dr. Ilfan Bikmaev (Russia, KFU, on washing mirrors of RTT150 telescope)



Dr. Myung-Jin Kim (Korea, Yonsei University, Space Science Research Center, KASI)

Dr. Anatoliy Ivantsov (Ukrain, Research Institute Nikolaev Astronomical Observatory, on Yarkovsky and YORP effects in motion of asteroids)



Prof.Dr. Mikhail Pavlinski (Russia, IKI, JSTC)

Prof.Dr. Nail Sakhibullin (Russia, KFU, JSTC)

Prof.Dr. Rodion Burenin (Russia, IKI, JSTC)

Prof.Dr. Ilfan Bikmaev (Russia, KFU, JSTC)

PhD student Magdalena Otulakowska (Poland, Nikolas Copernicus Institute, on work of cataclysmic binary stars and participate to observations)

Graduate student Almas Rustemov (Kazakhistan, El-Farabi Kazakh National University, on study of telescope’s electronics and operation)

Graduate student Margulav İbrahimov (Kazakhistan, El-Farabi Kazakh National University, on study of telescope’s electronics and operation)

Dr. Jang-Hyun Park (Korea, Astronomy and Space Science Institute, in OWL project scope)

Dr. Hong-Kyu Moon (Korea, Astronomy and Space Science Institute, in OWL project scope)

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